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Saturday, September 12, 2009

pavilion and vergy

hey everyone.
i just got back form lepak lepak with VERGY babes at pavilion, yeah pavi
Teja, Bella and Fara pun siap tanya tanya i how are you semua.
almost crying kot nak cerita everything kat diorang.
and Teja pun macam story about her love matter too
and what we can conclude is that,
guys usually senang je cakap, nak break ke nak apa ke
without thinking about girls' heart.
i think that's true, but not all guys are like that.
some of them, and i pun dah kena with 'some of them' tu.
i try to avoid nak naik sampai cinema.
but then i have to coz Fara nak usha price kat red box if nak buat birthday party
i was just like OMG mcm mana ni nak handle emotion
i dah almost crying, i pegang tangan Fara semua and ok la my girls can calm me down
i don't cry but still images tu ada
i still ingat malam sabtu tu, the first and the last movie yang kitorang tgk kat situ
i still ingat i'm waiting for the movie with him.
dekat tempat yang kitorang sandar tu, images tu still ada dalam fikiran i
it was just like i nampak both of us kat situ. macam masa tu berulang balik
and how i wish i could turn back time
nak suruh i move on, maybe i boleh.
nak lupakan dia, i memang tak boleh.
i will never forget him.
and i rasa biar la i hidup dengan memories yang i ada dengan dia.
it's ok if it's hurt. sebab i still dapat rasa dia ada.

it's ok Huda everything will be fine
*broken smile*

2 sperms:

nizam baharin said...

ahahha move on tak bermakna u lupakan dia la..mana boleh nak lupakan kot..he is a part of ur life kot..apa yang u perlu buat ialah accepting the fact that u and him is not together anymore and open the door for new people :)

hud hud said...

ha tu la wht i mean. move on but still thinking bout him. if there's a new people i bukak pintu besar2 smbl ckp mai la masuk pintu xkunci bahahaha

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